Confidently Held Misinformation

Identifying and Correcting CHM

We all make mistakes. But when we make those mistakes because we have what Amplifire calls commonly held misinformation or CHM, that's when we make those mistakes with confidence— and potentially cause great harm.

Common mistakes are an important consideration when you draft questions in Amplifire because it is a learning tool, not an assessment tool. So the question's distractors (the incorrect answers) should target the common mistakes (CHM) you see in practice. Amplifire uses a sophisticated algorithm backed by cognitive science to identify and correct CHM.

For example, in the question below, pulled from Amplifire's author training course, the correct answer is selected. The two distractors are questions trainers frequently receive. In fact, a third of learners selected them as the correct answer. 

Consider common mistakes as you draft your questions, tagging them in the questions to keep you on track with your learning goals.

To identify CHM, consider:

  • Common misconceptions
  • Everyday mistakes on the job
  • Frequent questions in class
  • Outdated information
  • Potentially harmful errors of omission