- In this article, you'll learn the AI workflow working with the AI Assistant.
- For more information on working with questions in Amplifire, check out:
Adding AI Sources
If you're using Amplifire's AI Assistant (and you should because it's really nifty), you can populate it with source content so that it gives you even more targeted and intelligent output. Even though you will need to do most of your work with the AI Assistant at the question level, you'll add all of your sources at once from the Course Page.
To add sources, go to the Course Page and follow these instructions:
- Click the three-dot menu
- Click Add AI Sources
- Provide a title for your source
- Copy and paste your source content into the Source text field
- Click Add Source
Once you've added your source(s), you can remove and edit them by selecting those options in the list under AI Source Content.
Then, once you're in the question, you can add a source for the AI Assistant to use in drafting your question (more on that below).
Populating Tags
Before you begin drafting questions with the AI Assistant, you'll want to populate the tags you'll use to focus your content. Do this by selecting Tags from the three-dot menu within your course, then add any relevant tags.
The popup box below should become familiar, as it is a consistent option throughout the tool where you can add learning objectives, topics, common mistakes, and audiences.
Though you can add these at the question level, as well (using the three-dot menu on that screen), thinking about each of these elements on a course-wide level is a great way to structure a course that is focused and clear.
If you're not familiar with course tags and their powerful uses, check out the article Using Tags to learn more.
Drafting Questions Using the AI Assistant
When creating questions, you have the option to use the AI assistant. From the question page, click the Magic Wand Icon on the right side of the second panel to expand the AI assistant.
- The Source dropdown will contain any source content you have previously added to the module.
- The Expert Tone field will auto-populate to “Subject matter expert.” Edit this field to your preferred tone, or use the default.
- You also have the option to designate an audience, learning objectives, and known mistakes.
From the Prompt Template dropdown, select a question design template to guide prompt formulation. Then, modify the AI Prompt as needed and click Generate after you’ve checked the boxes for which elements you’d like to create: question, answers, and explanation.
Once you’ve generated the question, you can refine the content from the AI Assistant popup or modify content from within the question panel.
For more information on crafting quality questions using the AI Assistant, check out AI Best Practices and these Crafting Quality Questions, or contact your Client Engagement Director to access the article and learn more about author training.