1. Authoring
  2. Publishing a Course

Publishing Your Course

  • In this article, you'll learn about publishing and versioning
  • For more information on getting your course to learners, check out Course Integration

Publishing in Amplifire is an important step in getting content in front of learners. Only a published course can be turned into a course with which learners can engage. To publish your course the first time, you’ll need to go the course page and hit Publish.

If your course is not missing any of its necessary elements, you will see a gray Publish button.

If your course shows any publishing issues, you must clear all of those before the button becomes clickable.

But even when the Publish button is available, you still need to review your course to make sure it's ready for prime time.

Before you hit Publish, please take some time to review:

After hitting publish, you’ll see the status change to “Published,” represented by a green Published box in the course list.

You can also search by published status on the course list page, which is handy.

Once your content is successfully published, it is ready to be packaged for learners.

However, if you need to tweak content or add and remove questions, no problem. Amplifire supports versioning.

Content Versioning

Versioning not only provides historical tracking on content changes, it gives you data so you can analyze the impact of those changes. Authors can publish a new version of a course and compare it to previous versions. Any changes made to published content, such as adding/removing answer choices, removing modules, changing question types are tracked.

With versioning you can:

  • Make changes to live content without instant publication so others have the chance to review content in a course before it is pushed live to learners.
  • Make major changes (e.g. adding/removing questions) without needing to create new SCORM files.
  • Manage the timing of updates of separate courses that share content.

Content that will be removed on the new version will show a strike through, content added with show a plus icon, and any content modified will show (modified) next to it.

How to Re-Publish

To create a new version of your course:
  1. Make the desired content changes as needed
  2. Click to the top-level course and click Publish

Publishing Changes

When you make changes to a published course, you will notice that an Alert immediately shows on the course tile in the course list.

The alert is there to let you know that current learners in the course are not seeing the new changes you’ve made to the course

Re-publishing often does not affect integration with your LMS. However, if you remove or add a module/course then you will need to re-integrate (see the note below).

Shared Questions and Versioning

When a shared question is modified, you must republish all courses where that question lives. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Use the same workflow referenced under “How to Re-Publish” for each of the affected courses.
  2. From the main page, you can click on the small arrow that appears, which can be a little bit faster:

Note: Changing published content can significantly affect learning and reporting:

  • Removing a module or adding a module will require new SCORM packages and can impact learning for people trying to take the course
  • Removed questions will still be tracked in Reporting for people who answered those questions