Using the Course Planning Wizard


There are three ways to create a new course in Amplifire:

  • Course Planning
  • Blank Course
  • Upload File

In this article we will discuss the Course Planning Wizard, but if you want to know more about the other course creation methods, check out these articles:

Course Planning Wizard

Using the Course Planning Wizard can help you create a complete course structure in minutes. From there you will only need to fill in the question and module details content in your course.

Once you click Start with planning, you'll follow the steps to create your course.

  1. Title
  2. Learning Objectives
  3. Questions
  4. Modules

1. Title

The title of your course is what you will see in your course list. It can also be what your learners see, but you can customize that when you publish your course. Note that if you return to this step, you cannot change the title and description from within the course planning wizard.

2. Learning Objectives

Though step 2 in the course planning wizard is called Learning Objectives, in this step you will be asked to select the following tags for your courses: Learning Objectives, Topics, Audiences, and Common Mistakes.

When adding Learning Objectives and Topics, you can designate the number of questions you wish to see per tag. These will appear in the Question editor in the next screen.

You can also designate the Audience and Common Mistakes for your course. This will help the wizard generate accurate and appropriate content for your learners. This applies throughout your course, so you will not designate the number of questions.

To learn more about each of these tags, check out the article, Using Tags

3. Questions

Once you've added your title and tags, you can begin to add questions to your course.

If you designated a number of questions in the Learning Objectives step, you'll see the question shells have automatically populated for you. Based on the previous example, the auto-populated questions would look like this:

You can delete any questions you no longer want to use by clicking the trash can to the right of the question.

Note: You can use the + to add additional tags to the questions you've just created. The tags associated with the questions when you created them will already be associated with those questions.

Or, you can add more questions. To do that:

  1. Click Add question
  2. Select the question type you'd like your question to be (you can change this later)
  3. Edit the name of your question so that it's easy to find later
  4. Add the course tags you created in the previous step

You can add as many or as few questions as you'd like at this stage. If you move on to the module step and realize you needed more questions, it's easy enough to click Back and add some more. You can also add them after you've finished with the course planning wizard and created your course shell. 

Remember, you can also add additional tags to the questions you auto populated in step 2 by clicking the + beside the question type of any of the questions on the list.

For more information on drafting questions, check out the following articles:

Adding Unassigned Questions

Once you've created your course using the Course Planning Wizard, you can still access any unassigned questions you created by going into the course.

Note: If you create a question and want to add it to a different course, you will need to select the Add existing questions option.

For more information on adding unassigned questions to a module, check out Shaping Your Course.

4. Modules

Adding your tags and questions should have given you a better idea of how you might like to structure your course. In the final step of the course planning wizard:

  1. Add a module or modules
  2. Select the question(s) you'd like to add to a module
  3. Click Add to module
  4. Select the module you'll want to add the question to
  5. Click Add to module

As with the previous steps, you can continue building by adding questions, tags, and modules until you're happy with your course structure. From there, click Create course.

Note: Once you click Create course, you won't be able to go back into the Course Planning Wizard for this course, but you'll have access to all of the tools available here except the option to bulk-add questions.