Using the Course List Icons

Covered in this article:

When you first log into Amplifire, you will go directly to your Course List, where you can navigate to a number of places. The Course List can be organized as tiles or a list.

Course List Toggle

From the Course List, you can perform several operations:

Create a New Course

There are three ways to create a new course in Amplifire:

Create and Populate Folders

Amplifire allows you to organize your content into folders. From the folders tab on the Course List page, you can create a new folder, sort the order of your folders, and view any folders created in your account. Note: Folders are an organizational tool only. The courses do not move into folders, but rather just display there.

Each folder tile—if your account has any active folders—will allow you to:

  • Use the three-dot menu to delete, duplicate, or add courses to the folder
  • Use the View to see what’s inside the folder

For more information on how to use folders, check out Organizing your Courses.

Select Courses to Make Bulk Changes

By clicking Select, you can select the course you want to work with. From there, you can

  • Add the selected courses to an existing folder
  • Create a new folder and add the selected courses to it
  • Delete selected courses

Note: Once you click Delete, the courses you have selected will be deleted immediately. Please make sure you have selected only courses you want (and have the authority) to delete.


Select Courses

Delete a Course

BEWARE! Accidental deletions can happen. This option is not available with courses that are published (phew!), but if you accidentally delete a course you're working on, it's gone forever. There is a double dare--"are you sure you want to delete this course?"--but it's still a permanent action. Click at your own risk.

Search for Courses

You can search for courses in your account by clicking on the blank search bar and typing part or all of the course title. For the most successful search, try these strategies:

  • Avoid searching for partial words, using a whole word or words, preferably the first word of the course
  • If you're searching for exact words, include quotation marks around them
  • If you have to search a partial word, include an asterisk at the end of the partial word                                   

Filter and Sort


Especially if your account includes a large number of courses, you may want to filter and/or sort them for easy location. You can filter in a number of different ways:

  • Status--whether the content has been published
  • Alerts--Unpublished edits that you should maybe check out and Issues, which you must resolve before publishing
  • Author--Note: This is the author who created the course, not the one who made the most recent edits to it

The handy number in the upper right corner will let you know how many filters you have applied, and that number will remain visible once you've clicked Apply.

Note: Your filter settings are surprisingly sticky, so if you go back to your Course List after working in your course (or even logging out and back in), check for the number of filters applied before you freak out that your courses are missing.


There are really only two ways to sort content--alphabetically and recently created. These can help you locate a course if you want to work on the most recent version of a course. In addition, when you add filters, the sorting convention you had been using is still active.

Note: Remember that the "recently created" tag does not mean recently edited. If you created your course a year ago, no matter whether you edited it five minutes ago, it will show up in chronological order with the other courses created last year.

Three-Dot Menu

The three-dot menu is a great button to check out on every screen in the Amplifire tool because it holds a treasure trove of functionality that is customized by screen. This particular page has a three-dot menu beside each course tile. From this menu, you can:

Copy a Course

There are two methods to copy a course: shared and unshared. 

Copy and create new makes a clone of your course that has all the same questions as the original course but the questions are not connected to one another beyond that point. If you edit a question in the copied course, the original is not impacted. This is a great option if you want to keep your original content (the original course) and have a course where you can make changes to create something new.

Copy and share questions, as you might imagine, creates a new course shell that includes questions that are shared with the original course. If you edit a question in this case, the original and the copied question are changed. This is a great option if you have a lot of cross-over between courses and you want to minimize edits.

Add a Course to a Folder

Adding a course to a folder is just as easy as it sounds. Click Add to Folder, select the folder you want to add the course to, and you're all set!

For more information on folders, check out the folder section in this article.

For more information on all of the three-dot menus in the tool, check out the Using the Three-Dot Menu article.

Copy and Catalog to Account

The ability to copy or catalog a course to another account is a super-user tool. If you have a need to do that, please contact your CSM for help.


The info panel, also accessible from the Course Page and the Question Page, provides historical information on the course. The created, published, and edited dates and users can help to track changes. Published status, revisions, question count, and course ID also provide valuable information.